How to cite

Using the GID product should cite this website ( and the following paper: Tong, D., Q. Zhang, Y. Zheng, K. Caldeira, C. Shearer, C. Hong, Y. Qin and S. J. Davis (2019), Committed emissions from existing energy infrastructure jeopardize 1.5 ℃ climate target, Nature, 572, 373-377. Using sectoral dataset should further cite the corresponding papers:…

Iron and steel

About GID-Iron and Steel Emission Database > The GID-Iron and Steel Emission Database (GISD) provides CO2 and air pollutant emissions as well as underlying information of global multi-process iron and steel plants. GISD is based on the integration of global and regional iron and steel plant database such as the Metal Consulting International Limited (MCI) database…


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